
Why is Crown Cap essential after root canal therapy

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What is root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy is a treatment done to remove the infection and retain the natural tooth. The treatment involves cleaning of the infected pulp and restoration of the exterior hole by dental filling or placing of the crown or a cap. Infection in the root canal occurs when severe tooth decay is left untreated or not treated on time.

Dentists treat the exterior hole by filling it when the infection is not severe. However, when the infection becomes too severe to be treated by dental filling, crown placement is done to secure the normal functioning of the tooth. Dental filling helps to treat the infection that occurs in the front teeth, while a dental crown or cap becomes a necessity if the infection occurs in the back tooth since more pressure is exerted on them while chewing and grinding the food.

What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps prepared by the cosmetic dentist to completely fit over a tooth. They are custom-made depending on the requirement of the patient. The main purpose of a dental crown is to cap a damaged tooth. They help to retain the shape, size, appearance, strength, and function of the damaged tooth. Dental crowns are made from a variety of materials like metal, porcelain, ceramic, resin, or a combination of these materials. The selection of the material of a dental crown depends on many factors such as location, function, and appearance of the damaged tooth and the surrounding teeth as well.

When an individual undergoes root canal treatment, the dentist treats the exterior hole with a dental crown to maintain oral health and ensure the normal functioning of the tooth.

Benefits of a crown or cap after root canal therapy:

  1. Prevention of the weak tooth:

After a root canal treatment, your tooth needs to reinforce with a dental crown as the treatment may weaken your tooth and require a permanent dental restoration to remain healthy. Some people get fillings done but a dental crown is a better option.

  1. Treatment of sensitivity after root canal treatment:

The dentist makes a hole in the tooth in order to remove the infected pulp. This procedure can result in the tooth becoming sensitive to hot and cold food materials. Dental fillings might not provide permanent relief from increased sensitivity caused by the treatment. In such cases, a dental crown proves to be an obvious alternative to sustain through the sensitivity concern in a long period of time.

  1. Permanent restoration of the natural tooth:

A dental crown helps to restore a fragile tooth following the root canal therapy as our natural blood circulation and nerve supply is cut off due to which the tooth becomes brittle. In order to add strength to the tooth, crown placement is necessary otherwise the natural tooth may break.

  1. To sustain past damage:

By the end of treatment, vital tooth structure is lost so in order to restore it, any tooth that has extensive decay, or was fractured or chipped in the past is a high traffic area site that should definitely be restored with a dental crown to back up security to the tooth and the root canal treatment that has been done.

  1. Prevents infection from spreading:

Following the root canal therapy, the affected tooth becomes susceptible to further contamination and infection. Dental crowns secure the tooth by preventing it from any leakage that can cause re-infection eventually leading to permanent removal of the natural tooth, that is tooth extraction. The dental crown also ensures that the surrounding areas of the affected tooth remain secure and unaffected by the treatment performed.

  1. Regain dental aesthetics:

A dental crown can be customized according to the color of the remaining teeth. It is designed to resemble the natural color of the teeth. Hence, a dental crown aids in regaining the natural appearance and function of the dental aesthetics of an individual.

  1. Prevention from bruxism:

Bruxism is a medical condition in which people have a habit of grinding or clenching their teeth unintentionally. It can occur in the day as well as at the night. After a root canal treatment is done, the tooth becomes weak and fragile in function. Bruxism can cause damage to the affected tooth which can even lead to permanent loss of the natural teeth.

A dental crown secures the teeth from further damage that can occur due to grinding or clenching of the teeth.

Dental crowns are crucial to ensure good oral health and proper functioning post root canal treatment. It is important to visit the dentist for regular checkups after the treatment to prevent further infection, secure normal functioning of the tooth, ensure comfort and regain the smile.

For further information or treatment of tooth crown please contact us at North Delhi Dental Clinic or call us at +919810635405

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