
How to maintain healthy and white teeth ?

Your teeth are an important component of your dental cavity. Having healthy, strong, and white teeth are a way to good oral health and a brighter smile. Discolored, stained, and unhealthy teeth are not only the potential cause of dental concerns but also affect the dental aesthetics of an individual. They can become a cause of anxiety and embarrassment, thus affecting personal as well as professional relationships. Hence, it is crucial to keep your teeth healthy and white to prevent infection, retain confidence, and smile effortlessly.

There are a lot of cosmetic treatments available to whiten teeth. However, there are some basic practices that every individual should follow to maintain healthy and white teeth.

Tips to maintain healthy and white teeth

Follow a healthy dental hygiene routine

The best way to attain a brighter smile is through practicing a dental hygiene routine. Brushing and flossing help to remove the accumulated food, bacteria and also help to remove stains caused by food items, thus giving a healthy and white smile. One should brush twice a day and floss thoroughly on a regular basis. It prevents bacterial plaque and stained teeth. Use a good mouthwash as prescribed by the dentist to prevent bad breath.

Practice correct brushing techniques

Brushing your teeth in the right way is what makes the difference. There are a lot of people who are proactive about their dental care and still get dental problems often. It is because they are unaware of the right techniques to be followed while taking care of oral health and hygiene.

The correct practices for brushing the teeth are-

  1. Use a good soft-bristled toothbrush as hard bristles can harm the gums causing gum inflammation and bleeding.
  2. Make a 45-degree angle with the gums while brushing.
  3. Make sure to clean the outer surface, the inner surface, and the chewing surface of the teeth.
  4. Be gentle and move the brush in up and down strokes. Don’t be too harsh while brushing as it can harm the enamel and gums.

Refrain from smoking, and tobacco consumption

Smoking and tobacco consumption can lead to stained teeth and bad breath. Nicotine and tar present in tobacco get absorbed by the teeth, thus causing teeth discoloration. Smoking and tobacco consumption not only affects the appearance of the teeth but also influence overall dental health. Excessive consumption can lead to life-threatening diseases such as oral and lung cancer. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid smoking and tobacco consumption for a healthy smile and healthy body.

Minimize liquids that stain teeth

Food items like coffee, red wine, tea, cold drinks, contain pigments that can stain the teeth. Carbonated drinks can also add stains and cavities to the teeth. It is best to refrain from these food items all together to maintain healthy and white teeth. You can also use a straw while having them as a straw can reduce the contact with the teeth, hence preventing stains and cavities.

Eat a healthy balanced diet

A healthy balanced diet rich in nutrients helps to keep the dental cavity and body healthy. It is important to follow a healthy balanced diet even when you don’t feel like following a routine.

  1. Include highly nutritious fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  2. Consume organic products over sodas.
  3. Avoid sugary, carbonated foods and beverages that contain added color and preservatives as they can harm the teeth and gums.

Rinse with water after eating items that stain

Water washes away the dark liquids that adhere to the tooth surface. Rinsing with water after eating flavored food items that cause staining helps to wash away the stain and bacteria in the mouth.

Use a whitening toothpaste occasionally

Brushing with a whitening toothpaste regularly would be too harsh for the teeth and gums. However, using whitening toothpaste once or twice a week can still do wonders to attain a healthy and bright smile.

Teeth whitening treatments

Teeth whitening is a procedure to treat teeth discoloration/ staining. It is one of the most common cosmetic dental treatments preferred by people to enhance their smile. Teeth whitening focuses on removing the decaying material and stains, thus making the teeth appear whiter.

Visit your dentist for regular checkups

Visiting your dentist for regular checkups is necessary to maintain healthy teeth and gums. It not only helps to treat the current dental problems but also helps to identify potential concerns that can lead to future complications. Regular checkups help to prevent cavities, decay, gum disease, oral cancer, and other dental issues thus aiding to maintain a healthy and white smile.

Visit North Delhi Dental Clinic, a multi specialty dental clinic in North Delhi with well-qualified dentists and advanced facilities for dental care.

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